Effective in growing astonishing communicators
Have you ever sent a parcel containing a fragile item through the post?
The chances are that you used bubble wrap to provide a safe and secure cushion against the normal everyday knocks that the Royal Mail inflicts on all parcels. Toastmasters is like bubble wrap for communicating with people. It provides a safe and secure cushion for your confidence from everyday knocks as you practise and improve your communication skills. Hallmark speakers is part of the not for profit Toastmaster International organisation. Our aim is simply to help all its members become incredible communicators in a safe nurturing environment.
Here are three things you need to know about us:
1) It's not only about the study
At Toastmasters we believe in learning by doing. You can read all the books and attend all the seminars you like, i.e. studying but it is not until you actually put things into practice will it improve your life. It’s the practice that builds skills. It’s the doing that creates the habits that make our communication skills appear easy.
Our meetings are designed to give you as many opportunities to practice all your communication skills, no matter what level you are at.
Whether your complete beginner or an experienced speaker you will find our meetings a safe environment to experiment, to practise and to get better. Unlike work or home, there are no repercussions if you mess up your communication in our meetings. Everybody will admire you for giving it a go and understand exactly what you are going through. Our aim will also be to build your confidence.

The world is full of nay sayers and negative people, but when you are trying to learn a new skill they are not helpful.
At Hallmark Speakers we act like bubble wrap, protecting your confidence and developing your communication skills, until you are ready to unleash them on the world.
2) Build confidence
One of the core themes of our club is that we believe in safe positive reinforcement/encouragement. Positive safe reinforcement not only encourages you to do more, to experiment and to grow, it will give a massive uplift to your confidence to publicly speak and your communications in general.
What you learn in crafting a speech can be equally applied to writing and one to one communications. As an example we have fun part of meeting (table topics) dedicated to practicing those impromptu life situations, when you are asked your opinion on something with no notice. Many people have found mastering table topics a major boom to their self confidence as well as a useful life skill.
3) The hidden diamonds of Toastmasters
Learning to listen and to give safe effective feedback is an essential life skill, whether you’re just a parent, a business leader, a lover or want other people really listening to you. Our meetings provide ample opportunities to practice this vital skill. In a safe nonthreatening, no risk learning environment.
The world is full of naysayers and negative people, but when you are trying to learn a new skill they are not helpful. At Hallmark Speakers we act like bubble wrap, protecting your confidence and developing your communication skills, until you are ready to unleash them on the world.

"In my opinion, the only way to conquer stage fright is to get up on stage and play. Every time you play another show, it gets better and better."
Taylor Swift
Everyone has the right to be heard, it one of our human rights, we will help you learn to deliver your message so you can be heard.
Learn to craft your message.
Giving safe positive feedback to people is a very effective strategy for encouraging people to want to hear what you’ve got to say. That's because you are helping them to add to their lives whether it be as a parent or to another adult. People like the warmth that is generated from positive safe feedback. It shows you care. It also makes you feel good from the thought that you are really connected with someone and improved their life, however large or small that improvement might be.
Akin to giving positive feedback is that you have to listen to people Really listen to people to understand the sentiment behind the words and their body language. Again a vital life skill that can be practised safely within our meetings. However beware of this common mistake.
Big mistake
A common mistake that many members make is not coming to all meetings. This is a major mistake as you miss out on those occasional gold nuggets of information that randomly surface. And miss opportunities to practice listening and feedback skills.
It is often said “if you really want to learn something then teach”
The next best thing is to observe and give feedback. Giving feedback to others during a meeting also helps you learn quicker and at a deeper level. It cements your knowledge through the actions of others. Again it’s all practise for your communication skills in the outside world.
What ever your goal in joining Hallmark Speakers:
- Conquer your shyness
- Improve your confidence
- Become an inspiring public speaker
- Or an awesome communicator
I want you to remember and use these 3 golden rules:
- Learning by doing
- Positive reinforcement
- Have a go and have fun at all meetings
Our meetings are like bubble wrap and we create a safe zone for you to grow all of your communication skills. Welcome to Toastmasters, welcome to Hallmark Speakers. Our pledge is to help you grow.
President of Hallmark Speakers
PS: Always ask if you are not sure about anything, you are amongst friends.